Results: 164

For: guideline

Guideline: Nonsurgical treatment of chronic periodontitis


This new systematic review from the ADA includes 72 RCTs on nonsurgical treatment approaches for chronic periodontitis. The systematic review provides the basis for a new clinical practice guideline.

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Psychological support needed across cancer pathway


In this blog, Alison Turner takes a look at guidance, which sets out recommendations for commissioners and providers to improve care and outcomes for people with cancer.

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“Admission to a secure unit is an opportunity to reduce smoking” says guidance

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In this blog, Caroline De Brún and André Tomlin look at new guidance from Public Health England, to help commissioners and service providers instigate smoking cessation programmes and smoke-free secure mental health units.

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NICE challenging behaviour guidelines stress person centred proactive support but barriers to achievement still exist

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NICE guidelines on supporting people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour have now been published. Here we look at the main recommendations and reflect on how likely they are to improve practice.

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CBTp and medication in the treatment of psychosis: summarising the best evidence


Clive Adams presents a summary of the latest evidence for CBTp and medication in the treatment of psychosis. This blog was published alongside Clive’s talk at the Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia conference in Bath on 11 June 2015

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When to see a child and adolescent psychiatrist: recent RCPsych guidance


Emily Stapley summarises the recent Royal College of Psychiatrists guidance on child and adolescent psychiatry, which sets out the standards to which child and adolescent psychiatrists work.

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Psychosis and schizophrenia in adults: new quality standard from NICE


Consultant Psychiatrist Samei Huda provides a personal critique of the new NICE quality standard on psychosis and schizophrenia in adults. Read his thoughts and join the discussion!

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Prosthetic joints: prophylactic antibiotics not recommended before dental procedures


The latest recommendation from the ADA indicates that prophylactic antibiotics are not needed for patients with prosthetic joints undergoing dental treatments. The finding are based on 4 case-controlled trials that are considered to provide moderate evidence of no association.

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NICE multimorbidity guidance almost excluded people with learning disabilities

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The NICE scoping guidelines on multimorbidity now thankfully include people with learning disabilities. However, the original scoping draft specifically excluded them, despite NHS England and the Department of Health commenting on the first draft.

Here, Pauline Heslop, one of the authors of the Confidential Inquiry report and a key campaigner to get people with learning disabilities included in the scope, talks about some the issues this raises.

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