Evidence-based guidelines for treating bipolar disorder


Joseph Hayes summarises the recent British Association for Psychopharmacology guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder, and compares their recommendations with those found in the NICE bipolar disorder guidance from 2014.

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Trends in antipsychotic prescribing in autism


Angela Hassiotis and James Dove summarise a recent meta-analysis of antipsychotic prescribing and use trends in US youth with autism spectrum disorder and/or learning disabilities.

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Antipsychotic overprescribing in people with learning disabilities #UCLJournalClub


Tayla McCloud from the #UCLJournalClub presents the findings of a cohort study showing that antipsychotics are being over-prescribed in people with learning disabilities.

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Cochrane find no evidence for as required PRN medication for mental health inpatients


John Baker summarises an updated Cochrane review on ‘as required’ PRN medication regimens for seriously mentally ill people in hospital, which finds no randomised controlled trials that support this widely used intervention.

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Long-acting injectable paliperidone palmitate for schizophrenia


Tracey Roberts summarises a recent RCT of the efficacy and safety of paliperidone palmitate 3-month formulation for patients with schizophrenia.

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Psychotropic medication in pregnancy: new evidence may help achieve a safe balance

pregnant with ipad

Joanne Wallace considers a recent health technology assessment on the risks and benefits of psychotropic medication in pregnancy, which supports previous associations between valproate and adverse child outcomes.

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Mental illness, challenging behaviour and psychotropic drugs #UCLJournalClub


Join us at 2-3pm on Wednesday 18th May for the #UCLJournalClub, which will be live broadcasted on YouTube and live tweeted by the @LearningDisElf

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Antipsychotics for treatment-resistant schizophrenia


Murtada Alsaif summarises a recent network meta-analysis, which looks at the efficacy, acceptability and tolerability of antipsychotics for treatment-resistant schizophrenia.

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Prognosis of brief psychotic episodes


Samei Huda presents the findings of a new meta-analysis, which explores the prognostic significance of competing ways of defining and measuring brief psychotic episodes.

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