Periodontal treatment- adjuvant antibiotics for diabetic patients?


This review of adjuvant antibiotics for diabetics undergoing periodontal treatment included 13 small RCTs. While a statistically significant improvement in probing depth was seen the magnitude of this improvement is unlikely to be clinically significant.

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Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw treatments– little evidence available


This Cochrane review of bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw only identified one small RCT. The trial compared the use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) as an adjunct to standard care. While it suggested a benefit for HBO it was under powered and at high riisk of bias

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Third molars: single dose of preoperative antibiotic reduced infection


10 RCTs were included in this review of preoperative antibiotics for removal of third molars. The use of antibiotics significantly reduced the odds of surgical site infection or alveolar osteitis (OR = 0.30; 95% CI, 0.19 to 0.47; P≤.00001)

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Little evidence for antibiotic use in irreversible pulpitis

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This is the latest update of this Cochrane review of the effectiveness of antibiotics for irreversible pulpitis. Only 1 small RCTs is available which provides insufficient evidence to determine whether antibiotics reduce pain or not compared to not having antibiotics

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Systemic antibiotics for aggressive periodontitis?

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This review of systemic antibiotics and non-surgical periodontal therapy for aggressive periodontitis included 13 RCTs and suggests a statistically significant benefit compared to non-surgical therapy alone.

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Azithromycin as an adjunctive antibiotic in non-surgical periodontal therapy


Another new review of local or systemic azithromycin as an adjunct in non-surgical periodontal therapy includes 14 RCTs and demonstrates small benefits in periodontal parameters. However, the included studies are small and it is unclear if the benefits are clinically important.

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Aggressive periodontitis: systemic antibiotics may improve outcome


This review and network meta-analysis included 11 small RCTs of limited quality, suggesting a statistically significant benefit for the use of adjunctive systemic antibiotics for the treatment of aggressive periodontitis.

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Antibiotic prophylaxis and dental implant failure

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This review of antibiotic prophylaxis during dental implant placement considered both systematic reviews and RCTs. Evidence from the 10 included RCTs suggests a small reduction (2%) in the risk of implant loss. These results are similar to a recent Cochrane review.

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Peri-implant mucositis: adjuncts to improve professional plaque removal


Only 7 small trials with 140 patients in total were available for this review. It suggests that adjunctive treatments did not significantly improve the efficacy of professional plaque removal in improving gingival indices, bleeding on probing or pocket depth.

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Non-surgical periodontal treatment – is there a role for systemic antibiotics?


This review update includes 23 new studies comparing the effects of antibiotic therapy adjunctive to scaling and root planning for periodontal disease. While some additional benefit was shown the authors could not establish definitive conclusions and guidelines regarding their use.

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