Results: 39

For: social work

Inter-professional working between general practice and social care


Tanya Moore discusses a small study on inter-professional working between social care and general practice and finds evidence of misunderstanding.

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Social work, prevention and multiple exclusion homelessness


Ian Cummins examines research on multiple exclusion homelessness and finds that social work may have an important role for prevention.

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The effects of emotional labour in social work practice


Jo Moriarty explores a Danish study on emotional labour and social work and discovers how social workers manage their emotional responses in practice.

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What psychosocial factors promote and challenge mental health recovery?

CC Image courtesy of Andy Mitchell on Flickr

In this blog, Sarah Carr examines a systematic review into the psychosocial factors that help and hinder mental health recovery and discusses implications for policy.

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On each others’ team? Multi-agency work in safeguarding children


In this blog, Lindsey Pike examines research on multi-agency working in safeguarding children and draws out some of the practice implications of the findings.

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What factors determine the need for social care in older age?


Martin Stevens interrogates an analysis of a longitudinal study dataset to discover what it says about determinants of social care and support use in older age.

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