Remote measurement technologies for depression in young people: scalable solution or overplayed potential? #ActiveIngredientsMH

Young African American man pointing his  smartphone screen - Black teenager people

In her debut blog, Annabel Walsh summarises her #ActiveIngredientsMH project which explored the use of remote measurement technologies for depression in children and young people.

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What do young people think about using technology to detect worsening mental health?


In her debut blog, Natalie Berry summarises a qualitative study which asks young people about their views on using technology to detect worsening mental health.

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Psychiatrists need to carry out more physical health checks for metabolic complications, says systematic review

measuring blood pressure

A new systematic review conducted by a research team from Leicester suggests that psychiatrists are failing to carry out physical health checks for metabolic complications common in patients with mental illness, in particular those who are prescribed antipsychotics. Many hospitals now have guidelines in place to ensure that patients on antipsychotics are monitored to check [read the full story…]