Should we screen new Dads for depression? #DadsMHday


André Tomlin shares his own experiences of being diagnosed with postnatal depression and wonders how we can improve screening for other fathers at risk during the perinatal period.

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Dental pulp testing methods: which is best?

Pulp test

This review of dental pulp test accuracy included 28 studies. While the findings suggest that laser doppler flowmetry and pulse oximitery are the most accurate the quality of the available studies is low.

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Sleep bruxism: validity of diagnostic tools


This review of diagnostic tools for sleep bruxism included 8 studies the majority being at high risk of bias. Portable diagnostic devices had best validity but quality of evidence was very-low to moderate.

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Panoramic radiography for predicting inferior alveolar nerve injury after third molar surgery


This review of panoramic radiography for IAN injury prediction after third molar surgery included 8 studies calculating key diagnostic data fro the 7 classical used signs. Values were to low to rule out post-operative damage before surgery but some siigns could rule in risk of injury.

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External root resorption diagnosis: cone-beam computed tomography or periapical radiographs?


15 in-vitro studies were included in this review of CBCT & periapical radiographs for the diagnosis of external root resorption. It suggests that CBCT performs better however further research is needed the clinical an cost -effectiveness of its use.

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Digital imaging for caries: direct digital sensors or photostimulable phosphor plates?

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This review compared direct digital sensors and indirect photostimulable phosphor plates for the detection of caries. Six studies were included in the review with 4 contributing to the meta-analysis. There was no significant difference between the two systems and they displayed good specificity and limited sensitivity.

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Tooth whitening: Tray-delivered gels showed a slightly better whitening efficacy

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This review of tooth whitening included 13 randomised studies and suggests that tray-delivered carbamide peroxide gel provided better whitening efficacy than HP-based products. However the available evidence is very heterogeneous and short term.

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Whooley questions have high sensitivity and modest specificity in the detection of depression


Ian Anderson on a recent diagnostic accuracy meta-analysis, which shows that the Whooley questions for depression are effective at ruling out the condition, but that false positives are common.

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Salivary biomarkers for diagnosing periodontal disease


This review of salivary biomarkers for diagnosing periodontal disease only identified 4 studies at high risk of bias but suggests a small number of potential biomarkers. However the findings should be interpreted with caution.

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Vertical root fracture diagnosis with CBCT – insufficient evidence

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Only 4 small studies at high risk of bias were available for this review of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for diagnosis of vertical root fracture, providing insufficient evidence to suggest that CBCT is a reliable test.

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