Results: 87

For: pregnancy

OCD risk may increase following perinatal complications


Alan Underwood summarises a population based cohort study of 2.4 million Swedish children, which highlights links between perinatal risk factors such as smoking during pregnancy, and later development of obsessive compulsive disorder.

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Cannabis use during pregnancy: little known about impact on child or maternal health


Ellen Grimas summarises a systematic review on prenatal exposure to cannabis and maternal and child health outcomes, which highlights the lack of high quality research in this area.

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Does taking antidepressants during pregnancy harm the child? Here are the facts


Ian Jones summarises a number of studies that consider the benefits and harms of antidepressants during pregnancy, including a recent cohort study that found that exposure to antidepressants in the womb is associated with a modest increased risk of speech and language disorders.

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Psychotropic medication in pregnancy: new evidence may help achieve a safe balance

pregnant with ipad

Joanne Wallace considers a recent health technology assessment on the risks and benefits of psychotropic medication in pregnancy, which supports previous associations between valproate and adverse child outcomes.

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Suicide during the perinatal period


Katrina Witt reviews a new UK study, which finds that women who ended their own lives during the perinatal period were significantly more likely to have a recent onset of depression, and were less likely to be receiving active treatment, and particularly medication, at their time of their death.

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Postnatal depression: is it a unique mental health difficulty, or part of a trajectory of depression across the life-span?


Jane Iles appraises a 20-year prospective cohort study of postnatal depression, which follows women from adolescence, to young adulthood and on to motherhood. The research presents some compelling data about the risk of perinatal mental health difficulties in new mothers.

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Periodontal treatment and adverse pregnancy outcomes


This study updates a previous meta-analysis adding 2 new studies and reassessing the findings. Overall, it suggests that the provision of periodontal treatment does not seem to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes, although there is a suggestion of benefit in high risk populations.

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Could partner factors reduce the risk of maternal depression and anxiety in the perinatal period?

Couple sitting on park bench

Paul Ramchandani and Ellen Grimas report on the findings of a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of modifiable partner factors associated with perinatal depression and anxiety.

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Antidepressants during pregnancy and risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn


Meg Fluharty examines the findings of a recent study, which looks at the risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) when mothers take antidepressants during pregnancy.

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