Scaling and root planing: Do adjunctive statins improve effectiveness?


10 randomised trials were included in this review of he adjunctive use of statins with scaling and root planing for treatment of chronic periodontitis . The findings suggest additional benefits with their use regardless of health or smoking status.

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Antibiotics as an adjunct to the non-surgical periodontal treatment of smokers

Smoking man

Mark-Steven Howe looks at a systematic review of the effectiveness of adjunctive antibiotics in smokers undergoing non-surgical periodontal treatment. While a statistical benefit was noted it was not considered to be clinically relevant.

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Scaling and root planing adjuncts for chronic periodontitis

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In 2015 the American Dental Association published a Guideline on nonsurgical treatment of chronic periodontitis. This network meta-analysis re-analyses the included studies providing a complementary appraisal of the data.

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Periodontal treatment: outcomes from long-term conservative management


In patients with moderate to advanced periodontitis this longitudinal study demonstrated that long-term tooth retention is possible for compliant patients using a non-regenerative treatment concept.

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Periodontal treatment: effectiveness of intra-pocket anaesthesia

gum disease, scale and polish

This review of intra-pocket anaesthesia for patients having scaling and root planing included 11 trials and demonstrated a benefit over placebo.

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Periodontal disease and glycaemic control in diabetics


This review of the impact of periodontal treatment in diabetics in this latest in a long list of publications on this topic . This review only includes 7 trials and supports the effectiveness of periodontal therapy in glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients and periodontitis. Other more detailed reviews are available.

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Periodontal treatment and prevention in Down syndrome patients


Only 9 small studies were identified for this review of the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease in patients with Down’s syndrome. More high quality studies are needed to help inform clinical practice

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Chronic periodontitis – probiotics as a adjunct to treatment?


4 small RCTs of probiotics as an adjunct to scaling and root planing for management of chronic periodontitis were identified for this review. While a statistical significant benefit was demonstrated the limited number of small studies means that these findings should be interpreted with caution.

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Periodontal treatment- adjuvant antibiotics for diabetic patients?


This review of adjuvant antibiotics for diabetics undergoing periodontal treatment included 13 small RCTs. While a statistically significant improvement in probing depth was seen the magnitude of this improvement is unlikely to be clinically significant.

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Low-level laser as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment-evidence limited


This review of low-level laser therapy as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment only identified 7 small high risk studies. While results suggest short term improvements there should be viewed with caution.

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