Amoxicillin and metronidazole as an adjunct to scaling and root planning for periodontitis?


This review of the adjunctive use of amoxicillin and metronidazole with scaling and root planing for the management of periodontitis found improved clinical outcomes in terms of pocket depth and clinical attachment level with their use.

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Periodontitis- full mouth disinfection or quadrant scaling?

plaque,calculus,periodontal disease

13 small RCTs were identified for this review, comparing full mouth interventions with quadrant scaling for periodontitis. Limited evidence of a small benefit was found in two comparisons.

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Aggressive periodontitis: is photodynamic therapy beneficial?


This review looked at the effectiveness of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy as an adjunctive treatment to scaling and root polishing for aggressive periodontitis. Seven small studies suggest that it may be beneficial in the short term.

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Periodontal disease: no clear evidence that full-mouth scaling superior to conventional treatment approaches


This updated Cochrane review now includes 12 trials. However, there is no clear evidence that full-mouth scaling or full-mouth disinfection provides additional benefit compared to conventional scaling and root planing.

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Non-surgical periodontal treatment – is there a role for systemic antibiotics?


This review update includes 23 new studies comparing the effects of antibiotic therapy adjunctive to scaling and root planning for periodontal disease. While some additional benefit was shown the authors could not establish definitive conclusions and guidelines regarding their use.

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Periodontal dressings: should they be used in non-surgical cases?

gum disease, scale and polish

Periodontal dressings have been used following periodontal surgery this review looks at their use following non-surgical periodontal treatment and suggest that there may be some benefit . However, only 3 small studies were included so more high quality studies are needed to confirm these findings.

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Chronic periodontitis: review suggests that Er:YAG laser may provide short term improvement


This review compares the clinical outcomes of scaling and root planing with Er:YAG laser either as an alternative or as an adjuvant in patients with chronic periodontitis. 12 small trials were included and similar outcomes were seen with both treatments at 3 months . However hetrogeneity in teh studies and the small sample size mean that these finding should be interpreted with caution.

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Can treating periodontitis help prevent heart disease?

heart attack

Periodontal disease is associated with cardiovascular disease. This Cochrane review looks at whether treating periodontal disease can prevent further heart disease. Unfortunately the available evidence is limited to a single trial at high risk of bias.

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Cost effectiveness of surgery versus root planing in patients with chronic periodontitis


Both surgical and non-surgical approaches can be used for the treatment of chronic periodontitis. The traditional approach being improving plaque control and non- surgical scaling and root planing (SRP) followed by surgical re-treatment where indicated. The main aim of this study was to compare immediate surgery with SRP in the treatment of advanced periodontal disease [read the full story…]

ADA-EBD summary on amoxicillin/metronidazole therapy for chronic periodontitis


This ADA-EBD critical summary  looks at  systematic review by Sgolastra et al from 2012 that addressed  the question of whether the use of amoxicillin/metronidazole (AMX/MET)  as an adjunct to scaling and root planning (SRP) was more effective than SRP alone in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. The appraisers considered that searching an analysis of the [read the full story…]