Intracanal cryotherapy in root canal treatment


This review of the effect of intracanal cryotherapy in reducing postoperative pain after instrumentation or obturation in root canal treatment included 8 RCTs. The findings suggest that suggests that intracanal cryotherapy in the form of cold saline irrigation as the final irrigant significantly reduces pain between 6 and 24 hours after root canal therapy.

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Top Dental Elf Blogs: Jan – Mar 2020

The Dental Elf

Our most popular blogs from January, February and March 2020 were about the FiCTION trial, local anaesthesia and factors associated with third molar surgical difficulty.

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Endodontic microsurgery


This review of the clinical and radiographic long-term outcome of endodontic microsurgery in teeth diagnosed with secondary apical periodontitis included 10 studies suggesting an overall success rate ranging from 69-93%.

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Occlusal reduction: Does it reduce post endodontic pain?


This review of the effect of occlusal reduction on post-operative pain following root canal treatment included 7 RCTs. While the findings suggest that occlusal reduction may reduce post endodontic pain the quality of the available evidence is very low so teh findings should be viewed cautiously.

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Avulsed teeth: Storage media used before replantation

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This review of the effectiveness of any technique available to laypeople for storing an avulsed tooth compared with storage in milk or saliva included 33 studies. Findings suggest that milk, Hank’s balanced salt solution, propolis, oral rehydration salts, rice water, and cling film extend periodontal ligament cell viability before replantation.

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Endocrowns: A review of success and survival rates


Thibault Colloc looks at a systematic review that assesses whether endocrowns are an appropriate restorative option with a predictable outcome for extensively damaged endodontically treated teeth

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Cracked teeth: Outcomes after endodontic treatment

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This review of the success and survival rate of endodontically treated cracked posterior teeth included 7 retrospective studies suggesting a 1 year survival rate of 88% (95%CI; 81% – 94%).

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Post-endodontic pain: Is it influenced by concentration of sodium hypochlorite irrigation?


This large RCT involving 308 patients found that using 1.3% NaOCl was associated with less intense and less frequent post-endodontic pain than 5.25% NaOCl in mandibular molars with nonvital pulps treated in two visits.

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Post-endodontic pain: Is it reduced by occlusal reduction?

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This review of the efficacy of occlusal reduction on the management of post-operative endodontic pain included 6 small RCTs of high risk of bias. The fidings suggested non benefitc from occlusal reduction in the first 48 hours but some benefit at 72 hours. However the findings should be viewed cautiously because of the limited study quality.

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Cracked teeth: outcomes from endodontic treatment

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This review of outcomes following rooth canal treatment in cracked teeth included 4 small retrospective cohort studies which suggested an overall survival of 84.1% at 60 months.

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