Listening to music to reduce the pain and anxiety of third molar surgery


This review assess of listening to music to reduce preoperative anxiety and pain during third molar extractions included 5 RCTs. The findings suggest reducction in preoperative anxiety but the quality and number of studies is limited.

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Are changes in blood pressure and weight linked to later dementia?


Meenakshi Shukla summarises a systematic review exploring the trajectory of blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol and incident dementia.

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Physical health monitoring in serious mental illness is a priority in psychiatry, but where is the evidence that it works?

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It is widely acknowledged that individuals with serious mental illnesses (SMI) such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and severe depression have increased rates of mortality, due to poor physical health. As well as reducing quality of life and function and decreasing life expectancy, physical illness can worsen these mental illnesses. The reasons for this include lifestyle [read the full story…]

Do interventions proven to improve cardiovascular disease outcomes work for individuals with severe mental illness?

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Individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) have shortened life expectancies compared to the general population. This is partly down to higher rates of chronic physical illness. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death among patients using mental health services. It is assumed that interventions used to reduce CVD are similarly effective in patients with [read the full story…]