Are ethnic minorities under-represented in memory services?

Health visitor and a senior woman during home visit. A nurse or a doctor examining a woman. Senior Woman Sitting In Chair  With Nurse In Retirement Home

Harmony Jiang reviews a study exploring the representation of Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in memory services in Leicester and Leicestershire.

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The experiences of ambulance workers and paramedics implementing the Mental Health Act


Charlotte Steel and Camilla Biggs review a qualitative study on emergency workers’ experiences of the use of section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983.

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Online psychotherapy for the COVID era: digital healthcare with insights from Auschwitz?


M. David Enoch writes his debut elf blog on a recent article in the BJPsych Bulletin about the trailblazing use of online interventions to enable autonomous psychological care.

His blog also suggests that during the current pandemic we may learn something important from Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy, which was born out of the horrors of the World War II concentration camps.

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Mental health crisis teams in England: lost in translation? #MHNR2018


Rachel Rowan Olive writes her debut elf blog about a recent national survey of mental health crisis resolution teams and crisis care systems in England.

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The state of personality disorder services in England #bigspd17


Keir Harding publishes his debut elf blog on a recent national survey of personality disorder services, which finds continued exclusion, variability of practice and inconsistencies in the availability of services across England.

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