Results: 34

For: antibiotics

Dental implant failures reduced with prophylactic antibiotic suggests review

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This new review covers similar ground to the 2013 Cochrane review. It includes non-randomised controlled trials, but as with the Cochrane review the findings suggest that antibiotics reduce early implant failure.

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Limited evidence for best antibiotic regimens to prevent postoperative infections after orthognathic surgery


Orthognathic surgery for the correction of dentofacial and craniofacial deformities has become a common a common procedure. Postoperative infection rates have been reported between 2-33%. The aim of this review was to provide evidence-based recommendations on the efficacy of different antibiotic regimens in preventing postoperative infections after orthognathic surgery Searches were conducted in Embase, Ovid [read the full story…]

Review finds only a small benefit from antibiotic use in patients with acute sinusitis


Sinusitis is one of the commonest reasons for visiting the doctor accounting for 15% to 21% of all adult outpatient antibiotic prescriptions. Patients may also present at dental practices, as pain from upper posterior teeth can be indistinguishable from sinusitis.  Typical signs and symptoms are purulent nasal discharge, postnasal drip, sinus pain at palpation, nasal [read the full story…]

Currently insufficient evidence to decide if antibiotics are effective in treating irreversible pulpitis


Irreversible pulpitis often presents as an acute and intense pain and is a frequent reason for emergency dental visits.  Treatment involves accessing the root canal of the tooth to remove the inflamed pulp (nerve) and cleaning the root canal. The aim of this review was to assess the effects of systemic antibiotics for irreversible pulpitis. [read the full story…]

D-cycloserine does not improve CBT for social anxiety disorder, but may accelerate early treatment gains


Clinical trials in the field of social anxiety to date have primarily focussed on the effect of either anxiolytic medication or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). At best these trials have demonstrated only moderate efficacy for either treatment independently (Davidson et al, 2004; Clark et al, 2003; Heimberg et al, 1998; Stein et al, 1998), and [read the full story…]

No evidence on whether antibiotic prophylaxis is effective or ineffective against bacterial endocarditis in people at risk who need invasive dental procedures

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Bacteraemia is common following dental procedures and it was believed that this could lead to bacteria endocarditis a severe infection of the lining of the chambers of the heart with a high mortality rate.  Until 2008 when National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommended that antibiotics were not required guidelines in many countries [read the full story…]

Review suggests that antibiotics are beneficial for reducing failure of dental implants


With the increasing popularity of dental implants and the difficulties of managing infections around them it is important to know whether the use of prophylactic antibiotics is beneficial or not. This review is an update of a Cochrane review originally published in 2008 and last updated in 2010. The aim of the review was to [read the full story…]

Some evidence that prophylactic antibiotics reduce implant failures

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Dental implants are being used increasingly and some implant failures may be due to bacterial contamination at insertion.  Prophylactic antibiotic regimens have been proposed to minimise infection. The aim of this review was to address the question, does the use of antibiotics, when compared with a control group, reduce the frequency of implant failure and [read the full story…]

ADA-EBD summary on amoxicillin/metronidazole therapy for aggressive periodontitis


This ADA-EBD critical summary looks at a systematic review from the same group that conducted the review that we highlighted yesterday (Sgolastra et al 2012).  This time the question was whether the use of amoxicillin/metronidazole (AMX/MET) as an adjunct to scaling and root planning (SRP) was more effective than SRP alone in the treatment of [read the full story…]

ADA-EBD summary on amoxicillin/metronidazole therapy for chronic periodontitis


This ADA-EBD critical summary  looks at  systematic review by Sgolastra et al from 2012 that addressed  the question of whether the use of amoxicillin/metronidazole (AMX/MET)  as an adjunct to scaling and root planning (SRP) was more effective than SRP alone in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. The appraisers considered that searching an analysis of the [read the full story…]