Individual Placement and Support works for US veterans with PTSD


Harry Palmer from the Centre for Mental Health summarises a recent RCT, which suggests that Individual Placement and Support helps veterans with PTSD to achieve steady work better than the US Veteran Affairs’ transitional work programme.

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Mental health crisis care: clinical and cost effectiveness of models of care

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Caroline Leah publishes her debut blog on crisis care for people with mental health issues, which concludes that better quality evidence is needed to support the overall effectiveness of crisis care interventions.

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Integrated treatment for first episode psychosis: media hype versus reality


Alex Langford reflects on the media hype surrounding a new RCT of the NAVIGATE intervention; a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, team-based treatment approach for first episode psychosis.

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Employment opportunities for all? Social enterprises and mental health

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Martin Webber considers a Canadian study about social enterprises and employment opportunities for people with mental health problems such as psychosis.

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Steps towards employment for disabled people: What works?


In this blog, Gerry Bennison offers an analysis of and perspectives on a study of employment programmes for people with learning disabilities or mental health problems.

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Adults with learning disabilities in employment had poor periodontal health but acceptable oral hygiene status


Studies have suggested that people with learning disabilities have poorer oral health than those in the general population, and often have untreated caries and high prevalence of gingivitis and other periodontal diseases. The researchers in this study were interested in the oral health status and behaviour of people with learning disabilities who were employed as [read the full story…]