Digital technology and youth mental health: recommendations from the Royal College of Psychiatrists


Sarah Hetrick summarises a recent report from the Royal College of Psychiatrists which explores the impact of technology use on the mental health of young people.

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Preventing depression: what do we need to succeed?


Can we prevent depression globally? Emma Corcoran, Molly Bird and Natalie Shoham summarise a recent review that considers what is needed to eradicate the worldwide depression epidemic, and why.

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‘Well – what do you know?’ Insights into information work among carers of people living with dementia

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Jill Manthorpe’s blog considers findings from a scoping review and institutional ethnography of the ‘information work’ done by family carers of community-dwelling older adults living with dementia, by Dalmer (2018).

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Social work and acquired brain injury: could this be the start of something new?

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Mark Holloway considers a scoping review of the social work‐generated evidence base on people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) of working age.

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Tackling loneliness in people with mental health problems


Timothy Matthews reflects on a scoping review from last year entitled: A life less lonely – the state of the art in interventions to reduce loneliness in people with mental health problems.

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