Root fracture detection with CBCT

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This review included 12 small in vitro and in vivo studies of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) for the diagnosis of a root fracture. While the data suggest the ability to detect root fractures in non-endodontically treated teeth, the findings should be interpreted with caution.

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Does panoramic radiography predict nerve injury after third molar extraction?


This review included 9 studies assessing the predictive value of panoramic radiography on inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) injury after third molar extraction. Results suggest that darkening of the root had a high specificity in predicting IAN injury.

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Radiographic caries detection is highly accurate for cavitated proximal lesions

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This review of 117 studies, which were mainly in vitro studies (93), found radiographic caries detection to be highly accurate for cavitated proximal lesions and also suitable to detect dentine caries lesions.

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Caries detection: visual detection has good accuracy

occlusal caries, molar teeth

This review included 102 studies the majority (77%) being laboratory-based findings that visual inspection had good caries detection accuracy in primary and permanent teeth, with a trend for higher specificity than sensitivity.

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Ultrasonography for diagnosing temporomandibular disorders


This diagnostic test review included 11 studies the majority from 2 research groups. The findings suggest that ultrasonography could be useful for diagnosing anterior disk displacement in patients with temporomandibular disorders.

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Diagnostic test accuracy of first rank symptoms for schizophrenia


Raphael Underwood summarises a recently updated Cochrane systematic review, which aimed to systematically evaluate the accuracy of first rank symptoms for diagnosing schizophrenia.

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Dental screening: a role for hygiene-therapists?


This study compared the diagnostic accuracy of dental screening by hygiene-therapists with dentists. The results show that they could be used to screen for caries and periodontal disease. This could allow for a change in the traditional model of dental care seen in the UK.

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Electronic Apex Locators may perform better than radiography alone

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When performing root canal treatment determining the position of the apical constriction of the tooth in order to gauge the ‘working length’ of the root canal is an important step. Traditional this has been performed with radiographs although electronic apex locators (EALs) have been available for may years and are becoming increasingly popular. The aim [read the full story…]

Limited evidence available for caries risk assessment systems


Predicting an individuals risk of caries is considered to be an important element in managing the condition and recommending appropriate care and treatment. A range of methods are currently used, included for example socio-demographic, socio economic, dietary factors, and oral hygiene practices.  The aim of this review was to assess the accuracy and the quality [read the full story…]

Little evidence for the diagnostic accuracy of new caries detection aids


Caries is one of our commonest diseases and increasing emphasis is being placed on identifying its earliest stages in order to employ effective interventions.   Visual examination and radiographs have been the traditional approaches to caries detection but newer adjunctive methods based on fiber-optics, fluorescence or electrical impedance have been developed and introduced during the past [read the full story…]