The key to maternal mental health? Make it a collective experience again #maternalmhmatters


Carmine Pariante, Hannah Lamdin and Laura Godfrey-Isaacs mark Maternal Mental Health Matters Awareness Week with a blog about the Maternal Journal workshops and events they run, to support pregnant women with a history of mental health problems.

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Breaking the silence about #WomenAndDrugs


Ian Hamilton summarises the discussion that took place at the #WomenAndDrugs conference in York on 2nd June 2017, which brought together a group of experts representing research, treatment and policy.

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Women, addiction and crime: what works? #WomenAndDrugs

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Some of the country’s leading experts on mental health and substance abuse will gather at the University of York tomorrow to “end the silence” surrounding women and addiction. We’ll be taking this #WomenAndDrugs event #BeyondTheRoom and I’m delighted to be publishing two relevant blogs, one today and the other tomorrow.

Here’s the first from regular elf blogger Ian Hamilton, who explores a recent narrative literature review on effective interventions for drug using women offenders.

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Violence and women’s mental health: new review summarises the evidence


Nicky Lambert writes her debut Mental Elf blog on a recent review of violence and the impact that it has on women’s mental health

[read the full story...]

The overall incidence of eating disorders increased between 2000 and 2009, says new register-based UK study

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Eating disorders are chronic conditions associated with high mortality and morbidity as highlighted by a previous Mental Elf blog in 2011. Eating disorders are categorised into three main groups: i. Anorexia Nervosa (AN), ii. Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and iii. Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS). Using ICD 10 criteria, EDNOS includes atypical AN and atypical BN as well [read the full story…]