Laura Godfrey-Isaacs

Laura Godfrey-Isaacs is an artist, midwife and brith activist. She spent over twenty years in the arts, as a visual arts, academic and creative producer. In 2016 she graduated as a midwife from King’s College London, and now works as a community midwife at King’s College Hospital, London.
She aspires to bring her knowledge and experience in the arts and the cultural industries, together with midwifery, to bring fresh interdisciplinary perspectives to inform education, practice, policy and research.
She regularly presents at conferences, and creates interdisciplinary projects and campaigns that combine midwifery, art & culture. She is currently Research Associate with The Digital Institute for Early Parenthood, Ambassador for Proceate Projects, co-lead of the Health policy committee at The Women’s Equality Party, Board Advisor of The International Forum for Wellbeing in Pregnancy, and member of the Thought Leadership Group at the NMC reviewing midwifery education standards.