Coercion in psychiatry: do interventions to reduce coercive practice work?


John Baker reviews a recent umbrella review of randomised controlled trials on the efficacy of interventions to reduce coercion in mental health services.

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Long-term outcomes of childhood sexual abuse #ISTSS2019


Raphael Underwood summarises a recent umbrella review (a synthesis of meta-analyses), which aimed to evaluate the current literature regarding childhood sexual abuse and long-term outcomes (psychosocial outcomes, psychiatric diagnoses and physical health outcomes).

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Are antidepressants safe? A new umbrella review of observational studies suggests they are, but we need more accurate data


Andrea Cipriani and Anneka Tomlinson scrutinise a brand new umbrella review of the associations between antidepressants and adverse health outcomes, which suggests that antidepressants are safe for most people who experience mental health difficulties.

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