Epidemiological tools help commissioners allocate resources more effectively, suggests research

Blurry black and white picture of three heads screaming

Caroline De Brun highlights the Psymaptic epidemiological prediction tool, which helps commissioners make evidence-based decisions about mental health service provision, specifically early intervention in psychosis.

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Mental Health First Aid improves knowledge, reduces stigma and makes people more likely to offer support


Sarah Knowles summarises a recent meta-analysis of Mental Health First Aid, which claims to be the first study to quantitatively synthesise the evidence in this field.

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Strong primary care can help improve efficiency, says WHO report

Map of Europe with flags identifying each country

In her blog, Caroline De Brún considers a recently published report by the World Health Organization, comparing strengths and issues faced by primary care health systems in Europe.

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Commissioning for health improvement can help tackle health inequalities, says report

Public health 1

This new guide from the Royal Society for Public Health is most relevant to commissioners, providers, local authorities, people working in health improvement and public health practitioners. Take a look and see which areas will be most useful to you in terms of reducing health inequalities and improving health and wellbeing in your area.

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“Inactivity costs the NHS an estimated £1.06 billion…” according to report

Pathway sign

Introduction This guidance has been prepared for commissioners and all staff providing lifestyle advice in primary care, including community health and allied health professionals, such as physiotherapists. It aims to raise awareness of the issues caused by inactivity, not just for individuals, but for the health service and economy as a whole, and provides a [read the full story…]

Practical ideas for tackling teenage pregnancy

Condoms and contraceptive pills

Introduction Tackling teenage pregnancy has been high on the political agenda since 1999, when the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy was published. Teenagers who become pregnant probably need more support than older mothers-to-be. Young women often become pregnant because they come from unsupported backgrounds and have no ambition or self-belief, and where they have access to alcohol [read the full story…]

Health resources: who decides who gets what

World and stethoscope

Introduction Published by The King’s Fund, this briefing discusses how to improve the allocation of health resources in England. It is aimed at commissioners and local authorities, and other key decisions-makers regarding health care delivery. This is an important document, as it explains clearly the changes taking place from April 2013, as a consequence of [read the full story…]

Factors stopping the nation from getting back on its feet: a survey of the non-fatal burden of disease due to mental disorder

Helping sister back to her feet

In times of economic adversity, the health and well-being of a nation needs consideration in order to maximise the workforce and productivity. The number of people and the amount of time spent in an adverse health-state is a prominent driver of population ill health.  Most mental illnesses begin early and persist over a lifetime. Approximately [read the full story…]

More guides to help GPs commission mental health services

Do you tell your patients with knee osteoarthritis to exercise?

A year ago I blogged about the new mental health commissioning guides that the Joint Commissioning Panel for Mental Health (JCP-MH) had published for GPs. The JCP-MH is a collaboration between public sector organisations, charities and professional bodies. Their aim is to “inspire commissioners to improve mental health and wellbeing, using a values based commissioning [read the full story…]

New NICE briefings on inequalities and population health, the Public Health Outcomes Framework and alcohol


NICE have published three new public health briefings for local government on Inequalities and population health, the Public Health Outcomes Framework and Alcohol. These documents are aimed at local authorities and their partner organisations in the health and voluntary sectors, in particular those involved with health and wellbeing boards. Local government is preparing to take [read the full story…]