Digital CBT can help people with depression or anxiety and comorbid long-term medical conditions


Stephanie Loukieh summarises the COMPASS trial, which presents promising results for digitally delivered CBT for depression and anxiety related to living with a long-term physical health condition.

[read the full story...]

“House of care” model can improve outcomes for long term conditions says new report


A new report from the Kings Fund, Delivering better services for people with long-term conditions:  building the house of care, shares learning from the “house of care” model which was developed through the Year of Care programme and discussed in a recent workshop and series of interviews.  The “house of care” metaphor is used to [read the full story…]

“Inactivity costs the NHS an estimated £1.06 billion…” according to report

Pathway sign

Introduction This guidance has been prepared for commissioners and all staff providing lifestyle advice in primary care, including community health and allied health professionals, such as physiotherapists. It aims to raise awareness of the issues caused by inactivity, not just for individuals, but for the health service and economy as a whole, and provides a [read the full story…]

“The NHS in England could realise savings of at least £4.4 billion a year…” according to a report

People with plugs

If NHS England adopted people powered health innovations, it could make at least £4.4 billion savings a year according to this report, published by NESTA, an independent charity and the UK’s innovation foundation. This is part of a series of reports due for publication following this one, including: People Powered Health: health for people, by [read the full story…]

What helps and hinders effective commissioning? Experiences from primary care


Introduction In England, from April 2013, there will be significant changes to the NHS, particularly with the introduction of 211 clinical commissioning groups (CCGs). These GP-led organisations will take on the responsibility of funding, planning, and obtaining health services for their local areas. It is essential that best practice is applied so that efficient decisions [read the full story…]