Rising temperatures and poor mental health: new review explores suicidal behaviour and mental health hospital attendance or admission


Jingni Ma considers a systematic review exploring the impact of rising temperatures and poor mental health, which suggests links to suicide, mental health hospital attendance and hospitalisation, and worse psychological outcomes.

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There is a clear association between socioeconomic deprivation and self-harm


A group of UCL masters student review a multi-centre study on socio-economic disparities in patients who present to hospital for self-harm in England, which found large variations in patients characteristics and pre-self-harm experiences.

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Hospital presentations for self-harm: a window of opportunity to prevent or treat psychosis and bipolar disorder

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Alison Clarke and Jo Robinson review a Finnish cohort study which suggests that hospital presentations for self-harm represent a clear opportunity for the identification and subsequent treatment of psychosis and bipolar disorder.

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Psychosocial assessment, self-harm repetition and the role of the assessor


Katherine Chartes reviews a cohort study comparing risk of repeat self-harm after psychosocial assessment, which suggests that psychosocial assessments can reduce re-attendance by 30% within a 12-month timeframe.

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A care home innovation programme to reduce hospital admissions through COVID-19 lens


Liz Sampson reviews a recent 4-year evaluation of the Care Home Innovation Programme (CHIP) aiming to reduce hospital admissions in older care home residents.

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