Jingni Ma

Profile photo of Jingni Ma
Jingni completed her PhD in Clinical Psychology at the University of Edinburgh and is now a BPS Chartered member (CPsychol). Currently, she serves as a Lecturer in Applied Psychology at Wenzhou University (PRC). Her research is centered on human-nature relationships, particularly exploring the psychological benefits of nature-based interventions on mental health. Recently, she has conducted a series of studies utilising immersive virtual reality techniques to investigate the effectiveness of nature-based therapy with mindfulness practice in alleviating anxiety, stress, and mood disturbances among university students and clinical populations with anxiety and depression.


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Rising temperatures and poor mental health: new review explores suicidal behaviour and mental health hospital attendance or admission


Jingni Ma considers a systematic review exploring the impact of rising temperatures and poor mental health, which suggests links to suicide, mental health hospital attendance and hospitalisation, and worse psychological outcomes.

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Racism, vicarious racism and mental health: how can we support those affected?


Liesbeth Tip, Jingni Ma and Christina McClure review a recent cross-sectional study exploring vicarious racism, vigilance and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. They present their own personal accounts of racist attacks, their reflections about the usefulness of bystander interventions, and their determination to work together to help people feel safer and more included in society.

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