Corticosteroids for post-endodontic pain


This review of the efficacy of corticosteroids on postoperative endodontic pain. found that patients receiving corticosteroids reported significantly lower pain scores at 6, 12 and 24hrs postoperatively.

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Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block: improving anaesthetic success in patients with irreversible pulpitis

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This network meta-analysis of oral premedication to improve anaesthetic success of inferior alveolar nerve block in patients with irreversible pulpitis suggest that that oral premedication with dexamethasone, NSAIDs and Tramadol increases the success rate.

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Dexamethasone reduced pain and swelling following third molar surgery


This review included 8 RCTs involving a total of 476 patients and found that submucosal dexamethasone reduced postoperative pain and swelling. Although only one of the studies was at low risk of bias and there was a possibility of publication bias, the findings should be considered with caution.

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Submucosal dexamethasone reduced pain, swelling and trismus following surgical removal of third molars

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Surgical removal of lower third molars is one of the most commonly performed operations.  It is associated with inflammation, pain and limited mouth opening. The aim of this study was evaluate the effectiveness of submucosal injection of dexamethasone on swelling, pain, trismus, neurological complaints and patient satisfaction after third molar surgery. Adult Patients with Pell [read the full story…]

Study shows dexamethasone ointment had positive effect on recurrent aphthous ulceration


Yesterday we looked at a study that looked at multivitamins for the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS). Today we have another study whose aim was to explore the efficacy and safety of dexamethasone ointment in the treatment of RAS.  What did they do This was a multi-centre trail conducted across 5 centres in China. [read the full story…]