Review suggests that disinfection methods could be an adjunct or alternative to antifungal medications in the treatment of denture stomatitis


Denture stomatitis is relatively common with studies suggesting that it can affect 35-50% of complete denture wearers.  It is characterised by mild inflammation and redness of the oral mucosa and about 90% are associated with Candida.   The aim of this review was compare the efficacy of antifungal therapy with any other alternative methods used for [read the full story…]

Review suggests that face-bow transfer not essential for good outcomes in denture construction


The use of the face-bow record during complete denture construction is recommended in most prosthodontic text books and taught in many UK and US dental schools.  The aim of this review was to compare the outcomes of the construction of dental prostheses and occlusal splints with and without the use of face-bow transfer. Searches were [read the full story…]

Trial suggests that simplified technique for complete denture fabrication results in similar masticatory performance as traditional approaches


While oral health has improved complete edentulism is remains an important problem. While it is increasingly common for treatment approaches to use implant-retained prosthesis conventional complete dentures are still in widespread use.   Traditional denture construction protocols involve several clinical and laboratory stages and simplified approaches have been suggested.  The aim of this trial was to [read the full story…]

Trail suggests no difference in food choices and nutrient intake in older adults with conventional denture or implant-retained overdentures


Evidence suggests that dietary intake and nutritional status of complete denture wearers is poorer than dentate patients of similar age, and implant retained dentures are considered to improve the retention and stability of complete dentures. The aim of this study was to compare dietary intake in edentulous adults with conventional dentures compared with implant-retained dentures. [read the full story…]

Only low quality of evidence currently available for effectiveness and cost effectiveness for treatments for edentulism


Improvements in oral health have seen reductions in the numbers of patients suffering from edentulism. The range of treatments available for treatments of edentulism has also improved. The aim of this review was to as to analyze studies of the treatment of maxillary, mandibular, or complete edentulism, with special attention paid to the quality of [read the full story…]

Professional oral hygiene interventions and follow-up support provided short term improvement in oral health for in older adults


An increasingly elderly population  have benefited from improvements in oral health care resulting in the retention of an increasing number of natural teeth. This brings the challenge of maintaining these  teeth and their replacements in good disease free condition.  However, studies indicate that oral health in this group is often poor.  The aim of this [read the full story…]

Chewing ability and oral condition were the determinants of denture satisfaction best associated with oral health-related quality of life


The need to use patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) is increasingly recognised.  Patients satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life are two such measure . The main aim of this study was to evaluate  the level of association between patients’ denture satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in edentate patients, and to identify [read the full story…]

Implant overdentures do not have a more positive effect on the nutritional state of elderly at 12 months


As teeth are lost masticatory efficiency declines and this may have a negative impact on diet which may be of particular relevance in older people.  The aim of this trial  was to assess the effects of mandibular  implant overdentures (IODs) on the nutritional status of an edentate elderly population. Participants were randomized to  receive  either  [read the full story…]

Cost-effectiveness of molar endodontic retreatment compared with fixed partial dentures and single-tooth implant alternatives

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This study by Kim et al from March 2011  has had a summary prepared by the  Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD)  at the University of York. The CRD summary of the paper states:- This study examined the cost-effectiveness of strategies for the management of a tooth after failed root canal treatment, including non-surgical or [read the full story…]

Implant overdentures may not improve the nutritional state of elderly edentate individuals

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The aim of this study was to see whether the provision of simple mandibular implant overdentures (IODs) to elderly individuals would give them a significantly better nutritional profile than those who receive complete dentures (CDs). The authors randomised two hundred fifty-five edentate patients over 65 yrs were to receive maxillary CDs and mandibular IODs (n [read the full story…]