Topical anaesthesia: Does it reduce pain perception of local anaesthetic injections?


This review of the effectiveness of topical anaesthesia in in reducing pain during local anaesthetic injections for dental procedures included 22 RCTs. Statistically significant differences were seen during needle puncture with topical anaesthetic use in the maxilla and palate but not the mandible.

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Third molar extractions: Which anaesthetic solution for the best pain control?

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This review of the effectiveness of different anaesthetic solutions for pain control immediately after the extraction of lower third molars included 45 studies.13 studies were included in a network meta-analys whch suggested 5% bupivacaine reduces pain in patients during and immediately after the removal of lower third molars.

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Third molars: Which local anaesthetic is most suitable for inferior alveolar nerve blocks?


This review comparing the efficacy and safety of currently available local anaesthetics for lower third molar extraction included 24 RCTs. The findings suggest that 4% articaine was the most effective and lidocaine the safest.

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