What works in managing referrals from primary to secondary care?


In this blog, Alison Turner looks at a report which shares findings from a systematic review, exploring interventions to manage referrals from primary to secondary care.

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Service improvement needs “a more empowering, bottom-up approach” says Nuffield Trust report

Blackboard with chalk writing saying "Our Priorities"

In this blog, Caroline De Brún looks at a report published by the Nuffield Trust, which suggests a list of priorities for the government to act on, around improvement in the NHS.

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What does it take to lead in an integrated system?

system leader

In this blog, Alison Turner considers a report, which shares findings with 10 senior leaders on the skills and behaviours needed to deliver transformation across health systems.

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Epidemiological tools help commissioners allocate resources more effectively, suggests research

Blurry black and white picture of three heads screaming

Caroline De Brun highlights the Psymaptic epidemiological prediction tool, which helps commissioners make evidence-based decisions about mental health service provision, specifically early intervention in psychosis.

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Does the NHS have the capacity and capability to manage the volume and complexity of private contracts?


In this blog Alison Turner, considers a report, which shares findings from a brief survey on contract management arrangements, making recommendations for a new approach.

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Novel commissioning of NHS stop smoking services

Person breaking a cigarette in half

Caroline De Brun presents the results of a study looking at commissioning policies which support payment incentives to improve care and encourage innovation. This research examines the impact of the novel commissioning of NHS stop smoking services.

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Can variations be used to spot disinvestment opportunities?

graph showing variations

Alison Turner reports on a recent study that explores a method for spotting opportunities for disinvestment and local perceptions of how disinvestment works in practice.

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Can competition improve management quality in the NHS?

Main image - Chris

Chris Sampson reports on a discussion paper produced by the Centre for Economic Performance, which looks at the impact of competition on management quality in hospitals.

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Strong primary care can help improve efficiency, says WHO report

Map of Europe with flags identifying each country

In her blog, Caroline De Brún considers a recently published report by the World Health Organization, comparing strengths and issues faced by primary care health systems in Europe.

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Recognise the barriers to your improvement


It’s often quoted that 70% of change programmes fail in the NHS but it’s less clear why and what the solutions may be.

In this blog, Alison Turner considers an evidence scan by Health Foundation, which offers some insight on the key barriers, which hamper improvement in projects and programmes.

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