One size doesn’t fit all: new insights into eating disorders and autism


In her debut blog, Shania Lorenz summarises a qualitative research study that looks at the experiences of women with eating disorders and autism, their parents and health professionals.

[read the full story...]

Street connected children and youth: causes of homelessness in developed and developing countries


Laura Hemming reports on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, which explores the causes of child and youth homelessness in developed and developing countries.

[read the full story...]

Training in psychosocial frameworks brings about reduction in problematic behaviours


Training for staff supporting people whose behaviour is challenging is a crucial part of appropriate and consistent supports. This study set out to provide a pilot evaluation of development workshops with direct care staff supporting people described as having significant psychosocial difficulties. The staff teams attended a series of workshops which were designed to use [read the full story…]