Results: 65

For: statistics

Are we under-reporting suicide rates? Findings of a new systematic review

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World Health Organization statistics estimate the global annual suicide rate to be 16 per 100,000 people or about one million people per year. The rate of suicide attempts is about 10-15 times higher than the actual suicide rate. There is considerable variation between countries, with some national mortality statistics reporting no suicides per 100,000 people [read the full story…]

NHS Atlas for children and young people highlights sevenfold variation in mental heath inpatient admissions


Following on from the recent publication of the DH Atlas of Variation in Healthcare, Right Care have now released the equivalent atlas for children and young people. The document and the online interactive atlas present variations across the breadth of child health services provided by NHS England. The aim is to highlight unwarranted variations that [read the full story…]

Illegal drug treatment and recovery services in England: new report from the NTA


The National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse has produced a new publication which gives an overview of drug treatment and recovery services in England. ‘Drug treatment in England: The road to recovery’ complements the recently released ‘Why Invest?’ presentation, which shows how investing in local drug treatment and recovery services benefits individuals, strengthens families and [read the full story…]

Well-being knowledge bank launched by the Office for National Statistics


The Office for National Statistics is developing ways to measure national well-being. This work got underway in late 2010 with a consultation exercise that led to the publication of an initial report in July 2011. This has now been supplemented by a website that contains a range of publications. The aim is that these new [read the full story…]

Over one third of adults with severe learning disabilities living in private households in England have autism according to new NHS report


Adults with a more severe learning disability also have a greater likelihood of having autism according to a new report published by the NHS Information Centre. The report combines data from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (APMS) 2007 with findings from a new study based on a sample of people with learning disabilities living in [read the full story…]

New DH atlas of variation includes prescriptions of anti-dementia drugs and admissions for child mental health disorders

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The second issue of the NHS Atlas of Variation in Healthcare has been published by the Department of Health as part of the QIPP (Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention) programme. The aim of the Atlas is to reduce unwarranted variation in healthcare, increase value for money and improve quality of care. The idea behind this [read the full story…]

Emergency bed use: data briefing from the King’s Fund. What the numbers tell us


This briefing aims to provide commissioners and providers with information on trends and activity to help them decide where to focus attention. Background The NHS faces the tightest financial settlement in its history. It is charged to find £20 billion in productivity improvements by 2015 Bed use for elective admissions accounts for 55% of admissions [read the full story…]

Health Survey for England 2010 focuses on respiratory health


If you incline to start presentations with a ‘killer’ statistic, then the annual Health Survey for England (HSE) is one for you. HSE monitors trends in the nation’s health, and progress towards selected health targets. It helps commissioners to have a better understanding of health issues and enables decision makers to shape policies to improve [read the full story…]

More young people are recovering from drug and alcohol misuse according to new NHS statistics


More young people are overcoming their problems with drug and alcohol misuse than ever before, according to the latest statistics for England released by the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (NTA). 75% (10,507) of under-18s leaving drug and alcohol services last year successfully completed their programmes, compared to 48% (4,105) five years ago. The [read the full story…]

NHS publish latest version of the Mental Health Minimum Dataset


This fifth annual report on NHS adult specialist mental health services in England and the people who use them covers five years with the most recent information for 2010/11. It covers hospital care and services delivered in the community. This year, for the first time, data from a small number of NHS funded independent sector [read the full story…]