Francesca Kingston

Profile photo of Francesca Kingston
I am an aspiring Clinical Psychologist and current Assistant Psychologist in Specialist Perinatal Mental Health in North London. I have a background in community Support Work, as well as a first-class BSc in Psychology from the University of Bristol and an MSc in Mental Health Studies with Distinction. My areas of interests centre around perinatal mental health, including the experiences of fathers/partners, and women’s mental health more broadly; particularly gender differences in severe mental illness (SMI).


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Brief interpersonal therapy may help relieve maternal depression during pregnancy

a pregnant woman in a grey top makes a heart shape with her hands over her pregnancy bump

In this blog, Francesca Kingston summaries a clinical trial from the US Care Project, which investigated whether depression can be reduced during pregnancy and before birth using a brief, safe intervention.

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“Like being a pretender”: A meta-synthesis of experiences of loneliness in perinatal depression


In her debut blog, Francesca Kingston explores experiences of loneliness among women with perinatal depression, reported in a new meta-synthesis published in BMC Psychiatry.

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