Recurrent aphthous stomatitis – topical interventions


This review of the efficacy and safety of topical interventions used for recurrent aphthous stomatitis included 72 studies assessing 29 different interventions. Most of the interventions did not demonstrate significant differences with limitednumbers of studies for some interventions and overal limitations in the quality of the evidence.

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Recurrent aphthous stomatitis and serum zinc levels


This review of the potential association between zinc levels and occurrence of Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) included 19 case-controlled studies. The findings show a sigificant association between low zinc levels and RAS.

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Zinc supplementation may be a useful add-on to treatment for depression

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There is evidence from epidemiological studies that low levels of zinc are associated with depression, but good quality clinical trials that explore the link between zinc supplementation and depression are few and far between. This systematic review conducted by a research team from the University of Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia, aimed to synthesise results from [read the full story…]