Use of mental health services may reduce adolescent depression


Jess Bone publishes her debut blog on a recent longitudinal cohort study, which looks at the reduction in adolescent depression after contact with mental health services.

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Psychotherapy for people with learning disabilities: the views and experiences of IAPT practitioners

Psychological therapists and occupational therapists were not included in this qualitative study of 27 mental health staff, which is a shame.

Reed Cappleman critiques a recent study of IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Treatments) practitioners’ experiences of providing therapy to people with intellectual disabilities.

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Co-production is essential to effective commissioning and service development, says London’s diabetes care pathway

Sugar lumps with a dice in the middle with the options of yes or no

This guide is the result of discussions with health professionals and people with diabetes Types 1 and 2, and surveys investigating the levels of service provision in London. The reason for this work is because people with from diabetes often suffer from mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, phobias, adjustment to their condition, eating [read the full story…]