Mira Vasileva

Profile photo of Mira Vasileva
Mira Vasileva completed her PhD at the University of Bremen in 2018. She is currently an honorary research fellow at the Child and Community Wellbeing Unit, School of Population and Global Health at the University of Melbourne. Her main research interest is in the investigation of PTSD and trauma in young children. She currently works as a clinical psychologist with children and adolescents at the Psychiatric Clinic Lueneburg in Germany. Since 2018 she is completing a postgraduate training as a child and adolescent psychotherapist.


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1 in 5 pre-school aged children develop PTSD symptoms following trauma exposure. Why are we still neglecting these children?

Shy boy

In her debut blog, Mira Vasileva summarises a systematic review which suggests that the pooled prevalence of PTSD in pre-school children who have been exposed to trauma was 21.5%.

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