Florian Walter

Profile photo of Florian Walter
Florian is a lecturer in Nursing at the University of Manchester. He has a German nursing qualification, a BSC in Nursing, an MSc in epidemiology and he completed his PhD in Mental Health Epidemiology at the Division of Psychology and Mental Health at the University of Manchester. His PhD examined multiple adverse events in persons discharged from inpatient psychiatric treatment using Danish national registry data. Before becoming a lecturer Florian worked as a research associate at the Centre for Mental Health and Safety at UoM, as well as at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH). Florian's interests include large population-based datasets, Mental Health and Infectious Disease Epidemiology and adverse events after discharge from inpatient psychiatric treatment. More recently he has been involved in research on offender mental health and prison mental health services.


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Clinical severity and instability as predictors for psychiatric hospitalisation: can one size fit all? 


Florian Walter summarises a retrospective cohort study published in The Lancet Psychiatry that investigates whether early trajectories of clinical global impression severity can transdiagnostically predict later psychiatric hospitalisation.

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Being part of something bigger: can neighbourhood identification protect against self-harm?


Florian Walter reviews a recent cross-sectional study which investigates whether neighbourhood identification can buffer against the effects of socioeconomic disadvantage on self-harm.

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