We are recruiting for our #ElfHelp programme


If you are looking to gain real life experience in social media and publishing, here’s your opportunity! Our #ElfHelp programme features positions for Publishing, Communications, PR and Social Media.

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Marginalised students’ views of social work education


Jo Moriatry examines a qualitative study about the experience of social work students who are black and minority ethnic; lesbian, gay or bisexual; or disabled and find that social work education has still some way to go in being inclusive.

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Joined-up and evidence-based services to promote student mental health and well-being


Yesterday was University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day and there were various activities going on to help promote mental health and wellbeing. Students in higher education present some interesting challenges to mental health professionals, other NHS and higher education staff who provide services for this population. Student health services remain a bit of a mixed bag [read the full story…]

More mental health support needed for students in higher education

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The Royal College of Psychiatrists has today published a new report into the mental health of students in higher education. The report calls for more investment in mental health support for university students, amid concerns that some students with mental health problems may be missing out on the help they need. The College published its [read the full story…]