Adverse childhood experiences increase the risk of juvenile reoffending


In Athena Chow’s debut blog, she summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and risk of juvenile reoffending.

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Young offenders with developmental language disorder were twice as likely to reoffend after 12 months


Douglas Badenoch summarises a prospective cohort study, which looked at whether a developmental language disorder in first time young offenders is associated with a higher rate of reoffending, independently from other known causes.

Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 5pm GMT on Monday 1st March for an online journal club discussing this paper.

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Comparison of juvenile offenders with and without learning disabilities shows differences in offence type


Previous studies have suggested that people with mild learning disability show a higher rate of offending when compared with peers without learning disability and that this rate is especially high in those aged under 18. High rates of learning disability have also been found in studies of young offenders in custody. In the U.S., one [read the full story…]

Similarities found in characteristics of juvenile offenders with and without learning disabilities

Individuals more likely to be arrested or taken to ED if living indpependently or with family

This study from the Netherlands looked at whether it is possible to determine differences in personal characteristics and functioning between juvenile offenders under mandatory treatment orders who had a measured IQ of less than 70, between 70 and 85 and over 85. The authors were hoping to offer advice and guidance on ways to better [read the full story…]