Local anaesthetic for dental treatment: interventions to improve acceptance in children


Twenty six RCTs were included in this Cochrane systematic review of methods for the acceptance of local anaesthesia (LA) in children and adolescents during dental treatment. However the trials did not provide sufficient evidence to draw firm conclusions as to the best interventions

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Buffering local anaesthetics to reduce dental injection pain?

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14 RCTs were included in this review of the effect of buffering local anaesthetics in reducing infiltration pain and anaesthesia onset time in dentistry. While slight reductions in onset time was seen in inflamed tissues and for IAN block these were not considered to be clinically significant. However the overall quality of the evidence was low.

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Local anaesthetic to reduce pain of dental care under general anaesthesia – evidence unclear


This Cochrane review included 14 trials of variable quality that could not be combined due to variation in local anaesthetic delivery and outcome measures. So the results from individual studies for pain, bleeding and other adverse effects are uncertain.

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