Small study suggests possible benefit from implant overdentures for edentulous patients over 75 years of age


Studies suggest that implant overdentures (IODs) can improve function and quality of life. However most studies are conducted in adults under the age of 70.  The aim of this study was to investigate denture satisfaction, functional, nutritional and patients centered aspect of IODs in patients over 75 years of age. Edentulous and denture wearing patients [read the full story…]

Trial shows that implant overdentures did not result in better dietary intake than conventional dentures at 12 months


Studies have shown that edentate patients have poorer nutrition than those with no teeth The main aim of this study was to assess whether mandibular two-implant overdentures (IODs) improved the nutritional status of older people compared with those wearing a conventional denture (CD). Patients over the age of 65 who had been edentate for a [read the full story…]

Maxillary overdentures supported by four implants had similar success to those supported with six implants in short term.


Stability problems and lack of retention are problems that edentulous patients often report.  The implant-supported denture is one approach to address these problems.  The aim of this trial was to compare the outcomes of maxillary overdentures supported by four or six dental implants in patients in the anterior part of the maxilla. Adult edentulous patients [read the full story…]

Trail suggests no difference in food choices and nutrient intake in older adults with conventional denture or implant-retained overdentures


Evidence suggests that dietary intake and nutritional status of complete denture wearers is poorer than dentate patients of similar age, and implant retained dentures are considered to improve the retention and stability of complete dentures. The aim of this study was to compare dietary intake in edentulous adults with conventional dentures compared with implant-retained dentures. [read the full story…]

Only low quality of evidence currently available for effectiveness and cost effectiveness for treatments for edentulism


Improvements in oral health have seen reductions in the numbers of patients suffering from edentulism. The range of treatments available for treatments of edentulism has also improved. The aim of this review was to as to analyze studies of the treatment of maxillary, mandibular, or complete edentulism, with special attention paid to the quality of [read the full story…]

Review finds limited evidence on maintenance requirements of implant retained overdentures in the upper jaw


Rehabilitating the edentulous upper jaw with implant-supported dentures requires long-term maintenance of the prosthesis. This review aimed to evaluate the literature on prosthodontic maintenance requirements for maxillary implant overdentures using different prosthodontic designs. The authors conducted electronic searches on Medline, PubMed and Google Scholar. In addition they hand searched 15 dental journals and the reference [read the full story…]

Chewing ability and oral condition were the determinants of denture satisfaction best associated with oral health-related quality of life


The need to use patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) is increasingly recognised.  Patients satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life are two such measure . The main aim of this study was to evaluate  the level of association between patients’ denture satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in edentate patients, and to identify [read the full story…]

No difference in marginal bone loss around implants retaining/supporting mandibular overdentures relative to implant type

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This 2010  review by Cehreli et al of marginal bone loss around implants has now been critically reviewed by the American Dental Association Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry. The review found that Marginal bone loss around implants supporting or retaining mandibular overdentures is not significantly affected by the implant system or attachment design However the reviewer [read the full story…]

Implant overdentures do not have a more positive effect on the nutritional state of elderly at 12 months


As teeth are lost masticatory efficiency declines and this may have a negative impact on diet which may be of particular relevance in older people.  The aim of this trial  was to assess the effects of mandibular  implant overdentures (IODs) on the nutritional status of an edentate elderly population. Participants were randomized to  receive  either  [read the full story…]

Implant supported lower dentures increased satisfaction and quality of life over conventional dentures


Edentulism can have functional, aesthetic and psychological impacts on patients.   The aim of this study was to compare any improvement  in quality of life and overall patient satisfaction following the provision of implant supported mandibular overdentures compared with conventional mandibular dentures. 122 edentulous patients had a baseline assessment of denture satisfaction and quality of life [read the full story…]