Coronectomy for lower third molar surgery


This review of coronectomy versus extraction of third molars in patients at increased risk of inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) injuries included 42 observational studies. The findings indicate lower a reduction in the odds of IAN sensory loss in favour of coronectomy and an increase in the odds of surgical reintervention.

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Coronectomy – a safe option for deeply impacted mandibular third molars?


This review of coronectomy for management of impacted mandibular third molars included 14 studies suggesting that it is safe and reliable with a low failure rate (7%).

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Little evidence available on treatments for iatrogenic injury to inferior alveolar or lingual nerves

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The lingual and inferior alveolar nerves are potential at risk of damage during some oral and maxillofacial surgery procedures. Fortunately the majority are temporary, with resolution taking place within 8 weeks.  Injuries of 6 moths or greater are considered permanent and a range of techniques have used.   The aim of this review was to evaluate [read the full story…]