Dental implants: platform switching may decrease bone loss


This review of platform switching for dental implants included 18 RCTs in a meta-analysis and suggests an improvement in marginal bone loss. However, the longest study were only of 3 years duration and the authors recommend the results be interpreted with caution due to the presence of uncontrolled confounding factors in the included studies.

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Dental implants placed in fresh sockets have higher failure rates suggests review

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This review of survival rates of dental implants placed in fresh extraction sockets included 73 studies. However the majority were retrospective with only 5 small RCTs and 26 controlled trials. While the findings suggest that failure rates are higher in extraction sockets the evidence should be interpreted with caution.

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Dental implants: are survival rates for tilted and axially placed implants similar?


This review included 44 studies (25 prospective, 19 retrospective) and suggests that survival rates for tilted and axially dental implants are similar. However the findings should be treated with caution because of the limited quality of the available evidence.

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Dental Implants : higher failure rates in patients with aggressive periodontitis?


Another review of failure rates of dental implants shows increased failure rates in patients with generalised aggressive periodontitis. Six studies (5 from the same research group ) involving 290 patients and 834 implants were included.

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Dental implants: review finds no differences between immediate functional or nonfunctional loading


This review looks at a specific aspect of the loading of dental implants following placement, whether they should have immediate functional or non-functional loading. including 6 randomised controlled trials and 5 controlled trials no significant difference was found between the two approaches

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Dental implant failures reduced with prophylactic antibiotic suggests review

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This new review covers similar ground to the 2013 Cochrane review. It includes non-randomised controlled trials, but as with the Cochrane review the findings suggest that antibiotics reduce early implant failure.

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Immediate loading may increase dental implant failure compared to conventional loading


Dominic Hurst reports on a new systematic review comparing immediate implant loading protocols with conventional protocols that suggests greater risks of failure with immediate loading in contrast to a recent Cochrane review which found no difference.

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Little reliable evidence available to assess if dental implant failure is higher in diabetic patients


Diabetics have been shown to have a higher frequency of periodontal disease and tooth loss. This together with the fact that diabetics also have delayed wound healing means that dental implant placement is more risky in these patients. The aim of this review was to investigate whether there are any effects of diabetes mellitus on [read the full story…]

No convincing evidence of a clinically important difference with different loading times of implants


Dental implants are increasingly being used to replace missing teeth in contrast to the more traditional use of bridges or dentures.  Implants have been used since the 1970s with the recommendation that they were kept load –free during the healing period (3-4months for the mandible, 6-8 months for the maxilla) . Since the 1990s studies [read the full story…]