Anxiety disorders frequently co-occur in individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder (Merikanges et al, 2007). Those with additional anxiety disorder comorbidities are associated with an increased risk of relapse, more severe depressive episodes and increased rates of substance abuse and suicide attempts.
More broadly individuals with additional anxiety disorders also experience diminished quality of life and this often continues to cause functional impairment (Simon et al, 2004).
The authors of this new systematic review and meta-analysis sought to establish the prevalence of anxiety disorders in individuals with bipolar disorder and to compare the rates of prevalence against a control group and individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar I and bipolar II.

This new study in Lancet Psychiatry is the first meta-analysis of the lifetime prevalence of comorbid anxiety disorders in people with bipolar disorder.
- Authors searched two online databases (Web of Knowledge, Medline)
- Studies were included if they reported original data about lifetime prevalence DSM-III or DSM-IV anxiety disorders in adults with bipolar disorder
- Diagnosis was required to have been validated by a diagnostic interview
- Studies in any language were included
- Studies were excluded if they contained data with discrepancies that could not be resolved by contacting the study authors
- Studies were included if they reported the lifetime prevalence of at least one anxiety disorder
- Authors also contacted authors of identified articles for additional information
- Prevalence of anxiety disorders between bipolar I and bipolar II were compared.
- 40 studies were eligible and included data from 14,914 individuals
- 29 studies analysed clinical samples, 7 studies analysed community samples from the general population, 4 studies had analysed a mixed sample including clinical and community samples
- 13 studies provided data about the lifetime prevalence of anxiety for people with a diagnosis of bipolar I and bipolar II
- Prevalence was also reviewed for those with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and those without.
Main findings
- Rates of lifetime prevalence ranged from 8% to 88%
- Any lifetime anxiety disorders were identified in 45% (95% CI: 40.0 to 50.6%) of individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder
- The most common lifetime anxiety disorders identified in individuals with bipolar were:
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD): 20% (95% CI: 0.147 to 0.262)
- Social phobia: 20% (95% CI: 0.150 to 0.248)
- Panic disorder: 19% (95% CI: 0.147 to 0.262)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): 17% (95% CI: 0.128 to 0.217)
- Specific phobia: 10% (95% CI: 0.080 to 0.136)
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): 10% (95% CI: 0.086 to 0.126)
- The lifetime prevalence of specific anxiety disorders did not differ between people with a diagnosis of bipolar I or bipolar II
- When compared against those without a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, those with bipolar were:
- 7 times more likely to have a lifetime diagnosis of OCD
- nearly 6 times more likely to have a diagnosis of panic disorder
- 6 times more likely to have diagnosis of PTSD
- nearly 5 times more likely have a diagnosis of GAD or social phobia
- nearly 3 times more likely to have a diagnosis of a specific phobia
- There was no difference between the prevalence of agoraphobia between those with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and those without
- Potential sources of heterogeneity were investigated. Authors noted no significant differences between the lifetime rates of anxiety disorders between clinical and community samples (b-0.10 [95% CI -0.24 to 0.03]; p=0.121, R2=4.24%), or area of recruitment (b 0.06 [95%CI -0.07 to 0.18]
- There was also no effect of interviewer’s profession, age of participants, mean age of participants or proportion of female participants
- The authors also conducted analysis to assess the bias of small studies which showed that there was no small study bias present (bias- 118.0 [95% CI -572.7 to 336.7]; p=0.579.

Having bipolar disorder significantly increases your risk of a number of anxiety disorders.
- There is a 45% lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders in individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder
- Anxiety disorders are three times more common in individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder in comparison with the general population
- Previous studies have indicated that individuals with bipolar disorder and co-morbid anxiety disorders have a worse prognosis than those without anxiety
- The authors considered four possible explanations of the increased prevalence of comorbid anxiety disorders:
- The increase prevalence might partly represent anxiety associated with depression
- Those with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder are more likely to be exposed to childhood trauma and stressful life events in adulthood
- Low self-esteem may be a common factor in contributing to increased anxiety disorder in individuals with bipolar disorder
- Anxiety disorders are more common in the biological relatives of individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and may be a manifestation of common genetic susceptibility
- The assessment and treatment of those with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder for other anxiety disorders is important and should be a part of routine practice. As comorbidity increases, the likelihood and degree of adverse outcomes also increases.

The authors suggest a number of factors that may lead to increased prevalence, including depression, childhood trauma, low self-esteem and genetic risk.
The review attempts to establish the prevalence of anxiety disorders in individuals with bipolar disorder. The authors approached the study in a clear and systematic manner with transparent reporting of the review process and funding sources. In addition the authors conducted several analyses of possible sources of bias and controlled for the effect of small studies.
The review highlights that individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder are three times more likely to have a diagnosable anxiety disorder.
The major limitations of the study are that only two electronic resources were included. Searching more widely may have led to further eligible studies being included in the meta-analysis, which arguably would have added to the power of the authors’ conclusions. Also the impact of the DSM-5 was not assessed as both OCD and PTSD have been removed from the anxiety disorders, although the authors do address this in the review.
Clinical implications
The interesting clinical implications are that a large number of individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder may benefit from discrete treatments focusing on addressing anxiety disorders specifically. This has implications for clinical provision as this need often goes unaddressed and this should become a target for intervention with effective evidence-based treatments such as cognitive-behavioural therapy.
The review also suggested that the assessment and treatment for anxiety disorders where individuals have a bipolar diagnosis should be routine and may improve clinical outcomes and functioning. However to establish this, high quality research trials are required as currently this area is significantly under-researched.

Are we doing enough to assess and treat anxiety disorders in people with bipolar disorder?
Primary paper
Pavlova B, Perlis RH, Alda M, Uher R. (2015) Lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders in people with bipolar disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Psychiatry, Volume 2, Issue 8, Pages 710-717. [Abstract]
Other references
Merikanges, Akiskal, Angst et al. (2007) Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of bipolar spectrum disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey replication. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64, 543-52.
Simon, Otto, Wisbuewski et al. (2004) Anxiety disorder comorbidity in bipolar patients: data from the first 500 participants in the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for bipolar disorder in the US population (PDF). Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46, 865-872.
Lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders in people with bipolar disorder https://t.co/w8bz5Cb70q #MentalHealth https://t.co/9R6SHC7opW
Are we doing enough to assess and treat #anxiety disorders in people with #bipolar disorder? https://t.co/A9pe1SIzqJ
@Mental_Elf > most are parked on meds, and when compliant largely ignored, which increases co-morbidity issues.
@Mental_Elf #StaffsMH0913 #TAPs0915 I often think that ‘secondary conditions’ are overlooked & wrongfully attributed to primary diagnosis.
@Mental_Elf sadly, no. My SAD, GAD, OCD BFRB are all lumped in with my bipolar diagnosis. We must treat each issue individually and (1/2)
@Mental_Elf (2/2) acknowledge that a 1 size fits all approach doesn’t work for MH. Individuals need treatment tailored to their conditions
Today @weeal36 looks at how having #bipolar disorder significantly increases risk of a number of #anxiety disorders https://t.co/A9pe1SIzqJ
@Mental_Elf @weeal36 seems BD & OCD co morbidity a particular issue among younger people https://t.co/tSZCQqXksa
The first meta-analysis of the lifetime prevalence of co-morbid anxiety disorders in people with bipolar disorder https://t.co/lrErFGL1rW
There is a 45% lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders in individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder https://t.co/A9pe1SIzqJ
.@LancetPsych meta-analysis of lifetime prevalence of comorbid anxiety disorders in ppl w/ bipolar disorder https://t.co/A9pe1SIzqJ
Bipolar & Comorbid anxiety disorders r we doing enough? @TheLancet paper says not could primary care services help? https://t.co/goffMolFXw
RT @Mental_Elf: Anxiety disorders are 3 times more common in ppl w/ a diagnosis of bipolar disorder compared w/ general population https://…
Assessment & treatment for anxiety disorders where individuals have a bipolar diagnosis should be routine https://t.co/A9pe1SIzqJ
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Don’t miss: Lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders in people with bipolar disorder https://t.co/A9pe1SIzqJ #EBP
RT https://t.co/sDPq6JGvCB Don’t miss: Lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders in people with bipolar disorder https://t.co/D4l2PIW323 #…
Are we doing enough to assess and treat #anxiety disorders in people with #bipolar disorder? https://t.co/7cbqczGZXb via @Mental_Elf
Are we doing enough to assess and treat #anxiety disorders in people with #bipolar disorder? https://t.co/SYBnvWXegg via @Mental_Elf
Lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders in people with bipolar disorder https://t.co/bwehaMLuok
Lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders in people with bipolar disorder https://t.co/7cbqczGZXb #EBP via @Mental_Elf
When I was 18 the future looked bright and rosy. I had been filled to the brim with love, support, care and guidance. I thought anything was possible and the world and everything in it was mine. I had no idea of what was going to happen to me, no idea that my brain would try to destroy me. I guess it started innocently enough. I started to ask my girlfriend to repeat the last thing I had said, just to reasure myself that what I had said in my head, I hadn’t said in reality. But soon it increased in frequency and instead of asking her to repeat the last thing I said, I would ask her to repeat back every single sentance, everytime I said something. I was worried that I had said I am going to kill you, which I didn’t say, instead of I love you, which I did say. I was scared that I had said I am going to kill you and that she would kill me now because she thought I was going to kill her. Then it progressed to hand-washing. At first it was an extra wash after the toilet, but then it was two extra washes, then five, then ten, then twenty, then fifty, just to be sure I didn’t have any germs on my hands. I worried that if I got a germ on my hands, I might inadvertantly ingest it, and then die from the poisened germs. Then it took a different form and I started to ask ‘what if’ in earnest. One day we were walking along the side of the road and suddenly my brain said, what if you can’t help pushing her into the path of that truck? Then my brain started mocking me, saying that I didn’t dare push her, that I should push her, push her into the traffic, because, my brain said, you can’t help it and because yoy can’t help it, you have to do it. Now, whenever I try to rationalise, my brain finds something new to worry about. I know now that it will nevet stop while I’m alive.
I’d just like to say I have a long standing diagnosis of bipolar. After about 5 years, it was discovered I suffered from anxiety too. I mean I knew there was something but I had not really heard about anxiety in those days. I was always brought up with the idea of getting on with things, etc. Once I knew I had ‘anxiety’ I realised it was something different from just the blanket term of bipolar. I did not seem to get any special treatment for it, although once, after much effort to push for it and ask for CBT I was given a 6 week course with a psychologist, which was brilliant at the time, and helped me deal with the situation at hand. However, I now realise that I do have a lot of anxiety and had it too as a child but it was never recognised. Now I do take a medication for anxiety and it helps no end. Anxiety is a terrible thing to suffer from, worrying about things for no reason. I thought the review of the studies was very useful and I recognised myself in the conclusions. Thank you Mental Elf.
[…] Lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders in people with bipolar disorder […]