Sexual knowledge of women with learning disabilities in secure settings attitudes and shows wide range of misunderstandings and confusions

There is sparse evidence for the efficacy and safety of antipsychotics in people with learning disabilities.

Research in the field of mental health has suggested associations between risky sexual behaviour and common psychiatric conditions, with higher than prevalence rates of HIV than found in the national average, risk of sexual coercion and high rates of relationship breakdown. The authors of this paper suggest that there are encouraging signs of positive attitudes [read the full story…]

Women with learning disabilities have limited understanding of breast and cervical screening


Poor health in people with learning disabilities is associated with a number of risk factors, one of which is the lower likelihood of getting timely access to screening services. Previous studies have shown that women with learning disabilities are less likely than those without disabilities to have access to cervical and breast cancer screening services [read the full story…]

Call for help in two national research projects

There is sparse evidence for the efficacy and safety of antipsychotics in people with learning disabilities.

Normally here at WELD, we are in the business of reporting research findings and drawing attention to the evidence. However, two new research projects caught our eye this week as they are to do with subjects we have previously posted about. Both projects are looking for people to get in touch with their experiences, so [read the full story…]

Women with learning disabilities perceive little or no control over their lives


Whilst there has been an increasing interest in developing measures of quality of life for people with learning disabilities, there has been little research looking specifically at the experiences of women with learning disabilities aged 40 years or older. This study set out to look at this specific group and to do this, worked with [read the full story…]

Staff attitudes to reproductive health of women with learning disabilities suggests need for further training


Whilst there is a developing literature relating to attitudes to sexuality in people with learning disabilities, there is very little in the published literature about their reproductive health. The researchers in this study set out to look at the attitudes of caregivers and to look in more detail at what things determine gynaecological health in [read the full story…]

Women with learning disabilities had limited knowledge of same sex relationships and held traditional gender beliefs


There is limited research into homosexuality and people with learning disabilities (see for example Norah Fry Centre project. What literature there is has identified low levels of knowledge, homophobic attitudes and negative experiences. The researchers in this study looked at attitudes towards homosexuality and gender role beliefs in a group 27 of women with learning [read the full story…]

More accessible information needed to improve uptake of mammography by women with learning disabilities

Health information

The uptake for breast mammography remains low for women with learning disabilities, despite a number of policy developments and guidelines in recent years.  This study set out to understand better the experiences of women with learning disabilities undergoing breast mammography. The study team worked with four focus groups involving 19 women identified as having a [read the full story…]

Contraception and women with learning disabilities

medicine in blisterpack

This study looked at the use of contraception by a study population of 234 women aged 15-59 who lived in services provided by a Dutch service provider. The authors gathered data from the pharmacy database, attending physicians and medical files. The study found that 48%, of the 234 women used some method of contraception, 78% [read the full story…]