Problem-solving therapy beats supportive therapy at reducing disability in old people with depression and executive dysfunction

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Older people who suffer from depression and executive dysfunction experience significant levels of disability and often don’t respond well to conventional drug treatments. This randomised controlled trial conducted by researchers from Weill Cornell Medical College in New York State, attempted to find out if problem-solving therapy is better than supportive therapy for reducing disability in older [read the full story…]

Oestrogen receptor variations linked with depression in later life

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The hormone oestrogen could play an important role in late-life depression, according to new research published in the August issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry. Oestrogen is best known as one of the significant hormones in reproduction. It is also believed to have a part to play in mood and mental health, because of [read the full story…]

Bright light treatment helps elderly people with non-seasonal depression

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Major depressive disorder is a prevalent and debilitating condition in elderly patients. It is accompanied by circadian rhythm disturbances associated with impaired functioning of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the biological clock of the brain. Circadian rhythm disturbances are common in the elderly. Suprachiasmatic nucleus stimulation using bright light treatment may, therefore, improve mood, sleep, and hormonal [read the full story…]