Sarah Stock

Profile photo of Sarah Stock
Sarah (they/them) is a PhD student at the Soc-B Centre for Doctoral Training in Biosocial Research, funded by ESRC & BBSRC. Based within the Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care at UCL, Sarah’s PhD centres around using genetically sensitive designs to investigate protective factors for mental health outcomes amongst adolescents with and without experience of childhood adversity, using data from UK cohort studies. They are cofounder of the UCL Neurodiverse Postgraduate Network and passionate about accessibility and understanding Neurodivergence within academia. Outside of their studies, Sarah can be found loudly singing folk songs and making things with yarn.


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Adverse childhood experiences: how common are they and who is most at risk?


In this joint blog, Becca Lacey and Sarah Stock explore a recent meta-analysis on the global prevalence of adverse childhood experiences, which looks at the groups of people most at risk of experiencing them.

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