Ole Andreassen

Profile photo of Ole Andreassen
Ole is a Professor in Psychiatry at University of Oslo, and Director of Norwegian Centre for Mental Disorders Research (NORMENT). He did his PhD in psychopharmacology at University of Bergen and his post-doctoral training in molecular neuroscience at Massachusetts General Hospital. Ole did his psychiatry residency at Oslo University Hospital and is now an attending psychiatrist at the Bipolar Disorder Clinic. He applies clinical, neurocognitive, and brain imaging phenotypes and molecular genetic tools to identify causes and underlying pathophysiology of mental disorders and develops multimodal stratification tools. He chairs international consortia in mental disorder genetics (PGC) and brain imaging (ENIGMA) and coordinates European Bipolar Disorder Network (ECNP) and Horizon2020 projects. He is also a consultant to cortechs.ai.


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Genetic risk for schizophrenia is associated with changes in heart structure and function


Nadine Parker and Ole Andreassen summarise a recent UK population-based cohort study, which looks at the impact of polygenic risk for schizophrenia on cardiac structure and function in over 32,000 people.

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