Athina Aruldass

Profile photo of Athina Aruldass
Athina is a postdoctoral scientist at the NeuroGenomics & Translational Bioinformatics Laboratory since Nov 2022. Thematically, Athina’s research interests lie at the confluence of body, brain and behavior - endeavouring to unpack further the distal effects of peripheral systems on brain structure-function, that in turn affect mental states. In brief, her current postdoctoral research activities aim to extend her doctoral research on psychoneuroimmunology through integration of ‘multi-omics’ data (epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics), as well as electronic health records (phenomics) in depression and PTSD. Athina gained a BSc (Hons) in Medical Sciences (Neuroscience) from the University of Edinburgh and an MRes in Experimental Neuroscience (Imperial College London), before completing her PhD in functional neuroimaging studies of inflammation-linked depression at the Brain Mapping Unit, University of Cambridge, UK.


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Brain-body health please: new research supports integrated physical and mental health care


Athina Aruldass finds that management of serious neuropsychiatric disorders should acknowledge the importance of poor physical health and target restoration of both brain and body function.

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