Digital v conventional impressions for implant-supported fixed complete arch prostheses


This review comparing digital scans and conventional impressions for complete arch implant-supported fixed prostheses included 6 RCTs. The findings suggest that digital scans significantly reduce the the time required compared with conventional impressions for complete arch implant-supported prostheses. However, there are only a small number of small studies available with only one of the six included being at low risk of bias.

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Digital study models as reliable as traditional plaster models?


This latest review of digital orthodontic models includes 35 studies, the majority directly compared digital and plaster models. The overall quality was considered moderate and digital models were considered to be a as reliable as traditional plaster models, with high accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility.

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Intraoral scanners for digital impressions


8 small studies were identified for this review of intra-oral scanners for digital impressions. Very little evidence of their validity, repeatability and reproducibility is available to guide practitioners, so further high quality studies are needed.

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