Hypotensive anaesthesia: effective in reducing blood loss in orthognathic surgery


The potential use of hypotensive anaesthesia for maxillofacial surgery was first noted in the 1950s. Since then a number of studies have been reported on the effects of hypotensive anaesthesia in relation to blood loss operating time and surgical field quality producing conflicting results. The aim of this review was to evaluate the efficacy of [read the full story…]

Hilotherapy improved levels of facial pain and oedema after maxillofacial surgery suggests review


5 studies were included in this review of hilotherapy. While the studies suggest that hilotherapy might provide patients with a significant reduction in postoperative facial pain and oedema, the quality of the studies is low.

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Orthognathic surgery: intra-operative bleeding reduced with tranexamic acid


This review looked at the efficacy of haemostatic adjuncts on intra-operative blood loss in orthognathic surgery. 11 RCTs were included and found that tranexamic acid reduced blood loss by about a third whether used topically or intravenously.

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Review shows that tranexamic acid reduced blood loss in orthognathic surgery


Significant blood loss can occur during orthognathic surgery and there are risks associated with blood transfusion so minimizing blood loss during surgery is important.  A large number of trials and reviews have shown that the antifibrinolytic agent tranexamic acid ( a synthetic amino acid lysine analog )  can effectively reduce bleeding in a number of [read the full story…]

Tranexamic acid is effective in controlling blood loss in orthognathic surgery


Conservation of blood is important in all forms of surgery and approximately 30% of patietns undergoing bimaxillary osteotomies require a transfusion. The aim of this trial was to assess the effect of tranexamic acid on blood loss, quality of surgical field and duration of surgery compared to the effect of nitroglycerin induced moderate hypotension alone [read the full story…]

Tranexamic acid in an irrigant fluid did not reduce blood loss during orthognathic surgery


Choi  in a trial in 2009 found that an intravenous bolus administration of tranexamic acid at 20 mg/kg reduces blood loss compared with placebo during bimaxillary osteotomy.  The aim of this trial was to test whether the use of tranexamic acid in an irrigant fluid would decrease blood loss during orthognathic surgery Forty patients undergoing [read the full story…]