Yasmin Ahmadzadeh

Yasmin is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Social, Genetic
and Developmental Psychiatry (SGDP) centre, within the Institute of
Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN), King’s College
London. Yasmin specialises in genetically informed methods to
examine how mental health concerns run in families. In 2022 Yasmin
was funded by the Emerging Minds mental health network to run the
Transmission of experiences of Racism, Anxiety and DEpression in
families (TRADE) project, in partnership with the charity Centre for
Mental Health. Here, Yasmin’s team explored how parents’
experiences of racism can have an indirect impact on child mental
health and wellbeing in the UK. Yasmin’s PhD focussed on
understanding how anxiety and depression run in families. She worked
as a Research Assistant setting up and managing the Children of the
Twins Early Development Study (CoTEDS), which is a longitudinal,
second-generation twin study. Yasmin has a BSc in Neuroscience with
Industrial/Professional Experience from the University of Manchester.
Her research interests include anxiety, depression, family relationships,
and anti-racism in mental health research.