Gordon Johnston

Profile photo of Gordon Johnston
Gordon Johnston is an independent consultant and peer researcher. Living in Clackmannan, Central Scotland, he has lived experience of bipolar disorder. His consultancy work includes peer research, lived experience involvement and engagement and organisational development work in the third sector. He is also Chair of Bipolar Scotland and works with third sector organisations and Scottish Government on mental health strategy and policy. Gordon is a member of the Steering Committee of the UKRI funded Closing The Gap Network led by the University of York. Gordon is a founder member of the Lived Experience Research Collective (https://experienceresearch.org.uk/) and worked on the report “Untapped Potential: How people with lived experience of mental health issues engage with civic and public life.” He collaborates with academic colleagues on a wide range of projects, including on citizenship with colleagues from the University of Strathclyde and physical health issues with the University of York.


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Walk this way: can a health coaching intervention increase physical activity in people with severe mental illness?

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Gordon Johnston and Michel Syrett prepare for the #HealthSMI event on 24th June by blogging about a recent pilot RCT of a health coaching intervention (Walk This Way) to reduce sedentary behaviour and increase physical activity in people with serious mental illness.

[read the full story...]